Friday, August 31, 2012

Book Cover: Into the Hollow by Karina Halle

As a big fan of the Experiment in Terror Series by Karina Halle, I was absolutely thrilled when she asked me to do the book cover of the 6th installment of the series. I literally fangirled. HAHA. Not my shining moment but I couldn't help it. The cover is as follows: 

"Perry Palomino has fought her demons – and won – but the battle is far from over. She’s now left broken and on her own, leaving behind her life and family in Portland to focus on giving Dex Foray – and the Experiment in Terror show – a second chance. But their past mistakes continue to tease and test their relationship, as does the wild and desolate terrain of the Canadian Rockies. The snow-covered peaks and ravenous forests hide an urban legend too unbelievably frightening to be true and the only way the duo has a chance of surviving is if Perry can let in the very man who sent her to hell and back." - Goodreads

The cover was a little tricky but with Karina's input. We nailed it. :D 
During the making of this cover, I realized that I no longer knew normal from creepiness. 
I think I'm immune to scary pictures and images since I used to make tons of it. 
=.= Bad sign? Maybe... Maybe not. 

Enjoy the Cover! And look out for more covers!



  1. love this series...awesome job!

  2. cool cover .... can't wait for the release of the book.

    1. Thanks! Me too! I can't get enough of Dex and Perry. :D

  3. Hey Naj - I'm so behind on blogs - so i'll comment for your last seven posts now...
    this cover reminds me of looking through night goggles - very haunting and creepy
    beautiful erotic covers
    you blog designs - I LOVE!!
    The Blemished - just gorgeous!

    You're so talented! I look forward to seeing more!

    1. Hey Ainsley! :D Was it seven posts? I didn't realize. :DD Thank you soo much for the comment and kind words. <3
