Saturday, April 16, 2011

Greetings All!


I think its pretty obvious what my name is so I'll skip the little introduction and fast forward into my experience. I've been into Photoshop extensively since I was 13 (7 years) and at 16 I was accepted to be a design trainee at Unisono here in Bahrain. There I learned InDesign, Illustrator, and even more about Photoshop. As I continued to progress I began to independently accept clients as a freelancer still at 16. As I grew so did the art.

Now, I design brands, commercial products and even design blog layouts and brochures. For a year now I have not been charging for my work for the purpose of building my portfolio. For inquires and my CV do visit my contact me page above to get my contact information.



  1. Thats is so cool!!!!
    first of Congratulations!!!:D
    And secondly, will you be uploading your charges for doing blog layouts anytime soon? or would it work between the client and you?

  2. does that mean, i may ask you to do a blog layout for me? *sheepish grin* (putting it bluntly)
